Monday, August 29, 2005

8/29 Katrina and Forecast Discussion info

Amazing day in Weather History


First off, devastation has already occurred in New Orleans and Mississippi! Please pray for many who are trapped and have lost homes. We will not know the full detaisl until the storm is over.


Some amazing things I have heard today!

  1. It LOOKS like Downtown New Orleans MAY have missed the worst and will recover
  2. A tanker Broke free in mobile bay and is being pulled by tug boats to prevent catastrophe!
  3. the Weather Channel’s team.. 27 feet above sea level, is fighting for life preservation as the surge was 25 to 30 feet! Read more here


Currently reporting 125mph winds and moving North.


Where we she go next. North and then northeastward. She is huge and many areas even here will see 3-5 inches of rain in storms, gusty winds and tornadoes. We will really start to feel the affects tomorrow afternoon and overnight into Wednesday!


I will issue an official alert tonight, but we are in alert mode here now and I would just say stay vigilant in watching the track of the system and its track!


Please continue to pray for those in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia on north as death and destruction will be a part of this historic storm!


Stay tuned to weather and news outlets as well as we start feeling her affects tomorrow.

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