Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Beautiful upper 70s and low 80s - De\ry forecast - Erika posing more of an East Coast Threat

Another delightful day with the area seeing temperatures in the upper 70s to lower 80s. The low to mid 80s on temperatures looks to persist through the Labor Day weekend with dry weather!

Erika is not well organized but producing impressive convection! The cloud tops were extremely cold last night. She appears to have reformed her center and latest guidance is putting her further into  threatening zone for an East Coast Hit. As of now, she does not look like she will be able to reach Hurricane status so a heavy rain producing storm is the threat I am seeing. FL, GA, SC, and NC should be taking note of her forecast. I suspect South Carolina or North Carolina could see her hit, with GA not too far out of the question. FL is a threat, a but a turn up the East Coast seems more probable at this time.

On the other coast, Baja is getting slammed by Jimena> she is not the seriously strong 155mph storm she was, but will be a tough storm no matter what packing 105 mph winds this morning. The Eastern US WX board has one member who is out in it Also, msnbc article from this morning

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