Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wintry mix and snow, but likely not a lot in VA. Northeast to see a lot more!

The storm systems that will converge off the DelMarVa today will be transferring energy over Virginia and not causing the best in organized precipitation. With that in mind, do not be surprised to see area really only see flurries and snow showers while some may see some accumulating snow. As the system finally gets going the Northeast Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey will see snow increase and this in turn cause more snow in that region. For Virginia, 1 to perhaps 2" snows looks more likely and even less along the Piedmont.
Is it possible there could be more snow - Maybe in Central Northern VA and MD IF the storm energizes sooner or the upper air support happens to be a bit more moisture rich than it looks like it would be.

Please refer to my late posted snow map: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEieWmjNw9Xz_2IK103DViAtHuqlEYaozu6GlDBRFijWE-fbymuBEuHo1TEJ8VNUWhn08s74-HP2F0GjZpD5pq3emGnvShekXgLLH4a2vL1wsE5oTLYNHh3WK4JghlYUN0iVLlMErA/s320/January11Snow.png

New Jersey up into the Northeast will get a serious system with some seeing a foot and a half of snow!

After the storm winds up, cold winds will come in and make Wednesday blustery as well as cause mountain up-slope (west facing side of mountains) snows, Then a cold week will remain with highs 30s for north half and low to mid 40s south.

The next storm system could visit around Monday of next week and it is unclear exactly what this system will do. It may be wintry mix type or just rain. This may also signal a brief warm up as well. The dynamics are still in question and the signal is not super strong for a winter storm, but there are some indicators that something could occur.

All for now.

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